Personal Development & Mutual Understanding (P.D.M.U.)
PDMU is an integral part of the curriculum at St. Brigid's. As well as promoting understanding and personal development in school we work in partnership with a range of organisations to develop these key themes. This can be seen most clearly in our link with Ballykeel PS. This successful link sees all classes in St. Brigid's meet with their friends from Ballykeel on a regular basis during the year to take part in a range of shared activities. These include sports coaching through the unique "Town of 3 Halves” project, an initiative designed by both schools and the Ballymena Council supported "Basketball Twinning Programme”, through various joint visits such as to Corymeela and through a range of curriculum based developments. Staff from both schools meet on a regular basis to plan this work and shared staff development has also complimented these links.
We also promote this work with other partner schools and organisations such as Dunclug PS, Ballymena Ethnic Minority Forum, Ballymena Borough Council and CEIP to name but several.