St Brigid's Primary School
Growing in Mind, Body & Spirit


In St. Brigid's we see parents as partners in our work. School inspectors have recognised that we give a high priority to maintaining productive links with our parents. They found that we do this by keeping parents well informed about the life and work of the school and by consulted proactively with them. We believe that active parental involvement in school supports pupil learning and through working in partnership with our parents we can ensure that every child's school experience is a positive one. Although not exhaustive some of the ways in which we involve parents in the life of our school are as follows:

  • parental involvement in preparation for receiving the Sacraments of Reconciliation in P3, First Holy Communion in P4 and Confirmation in P7;


  • ensuring a regular flow of information via our "Weekly Bulletin" sent home each Friday and through our school parent texting service;


  • updating parents on the work of the school and the children through publication of our termly school newletter - "St. Brigid's News";


  • operating an open door policy in relation to meeting with parents to discuss their child's progress in school and in dealing with any issues they may have;


  • providing regular updates on pupil progress via parent/ teacher meetings, provision of a written annual report and forwarding of assessment data at key times during the school year including regular use of the Accelerated Reader "Home Connect" e. mail service;


  •  inviting parents to school for key events such as class assemblies, Grandparent Day, Christmas Fayre etc;


  • providing opportunities for parents to become more involved in the management of the school through membership of the "Friends of St. Brigid's Association" and the Board of Governors;


  • inviting parents to attend workshops and talks which assist them in supporting their childen's learning such as "Ready to Learn" parent events, "Reading Rock" literacy workshops, Numeracy workshops etc;


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