St Brigid's Primary School
Growing in Mind, Body & Spirit


The Education & Training Inspectorate have responsibility for inspecting schools on behalf of the Department of Education. We have been involved in 3 inspections since the school opened in September 2007 and received excellent reports on each occasion. The inspectors grade schools using several statements the highest being in the "Very Good" & "Outstanding" categories. During our inspection in May 2011 the E.T.I. found that the quality of education offered by the school was "Very Good” overall commenting in particular on "the outstanding arrangements for supporting learners who required additional support, the outstanding pastoral care arrangements that were in place for pupils and the fact that the children at the school are highly motivated, confident, achieve good standards and possess an excellent disposition towards learning.” Such confidence , as expressed by the ETI in our school and for our work, is recognition indeed of the tremendous efforts of the school community on behalf of the pupils we teach.

Our most recent inspection took place in June 2014. Conducted by the Education & Training Inspectorate the inspection was part of a pilot programme whereby 20 schools across the country were selected for inclusion. To be included in the pilot programme a school had to have received an overall inspection grading in the "Very Good" to "Outstanding" category in the last 3 years. As detailed above we were graded in the "Very Good" - "Outstanding" category during our last full inspection in May 2011 and therefore met this criteria. The June 2014 inspection was designed to assess whether we were maintaining and indeed improving where possible on our performance last time around. The District Inspector found this was indeed the case and the inspection highlighted the work of the school in the most positive terms possible. Although this type of inspection does not result in a written report the District Inspector did provide us with oral feedback on our performance and we have shared the main points from that feedback with you below.


The inspectors commented:


General Comments:


·The inspectors visit to St. Brigid’s had been a very positive one.


·They observed lessons, looked at documentation, looked at action plans, looked at 3 year


School Development Plan, looked at data provided, listened to the principal presentation, met


subject co-ordinators, talked to the pupils, looked at pupils books etc.


·They stated that it is evident that the individual needs of every child in the school are being


met… from the children who require high levels of support to those who are achieving highly.


·It is clear that the management of the school through the School Development Plan are having


a direct positive impact on the pupils learning


·The school has sustained the improvement” first noted 3 years ago.




·The teaching observed ranged from "Good” to "Outstanding”with 50% of the teaching observed


being in the "Outstanding” category and the vast majority of the other teaching being in the


"Very Good” category.


·The "holistic” approach to pupil development is very apparent in St. Brigid’s PS.


·Teachers were pushing the pupils to extract the most from their learning experience through


their effective questioning.


·Teachers are thinking about the needs of the children and how will they meet them.


·Thinking time was provided for the children to maximise their learning.


·The teachers in this school work "extremely hard”.


·St. Brigid’s demonstrate "rigorous” self –evaluation.




·The children have a "highly positive disposition” to their learning


·Pupils are offered "high challenge”/ children are "pushed in this school”


·Learning is exciting in St. Brigid’s/ the children in St. Brigid’s PS must "love”coming to




·The "wonder and awe” in the children’s faces when learning was apparent.


·The children are achieving and are reaching their potential”.


·They saw "independent children who are excited about their learning and were focussed on it”.




·High standards are being achieved for all pupils.


·School internal data and external data show a high standard of attainment being achieved by


the pupils.


Final Comment:


The school was graded "Very Good” overall in 2011. There is clear evidence that more significant progress has been made since then and we can state with "absolute confidence” that St Brigid’s P.S. is "sustaining its improvement”.






















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