St Brigid's Primary School
Growing in Mind, Body & Spirit

Parentpay refunds

8 May 2020

ParentPay Refunds

We have commenced the process of refunding ParentPay payments to parents’ bank accounts. The process takes a little bit of time as we are dealing with a 3rdparty company and must direct all refunds initially through them. We thank you for your patience with this. Please note the following:

1.       We will be refunding all money paid to ParentPay for snack (P1/2), music tuition (3rdterm), after-school club (P1-3), Woodhall (P7), milk payments (3rdterm) and swimming (P7).

2.       We will not be refunding funds paid for school meals at this time. This is because the Education Authority has still to inform us regarding the arrangements to do this. We will of course refund these payments once we have been instructed by them.

3.       Unfortunately we are only able to refund money that was paid to a ParentPay account by debit card because we can refund straight to a parent’s account from this. If you lodged money to Parentpay via the Paypoint service in a local shop we have no way of returning it to the shop to enable you to access it. If we feel that the amount owed in this way is significant we will contact parents and make arrangements for a cash payment to them. Otherwise we will transfer the money to next year.



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