St Brigid's Primary School
Growing in Mind, Body & Spirit

School Information

31 Aug 2022

Dear Parents,


I trust everyone had a great summer break.

Just a few bits of information regarding starting back to school.


Return To School:

We return to school on Thursday 1st September. School starts at 8.55am and we continue to receive children in to school from 8.30am. Please do not send children in before this time as there is no supervision. Our advice is to aim to have children in school by 8.45am to ensure they are on time.  


Finishing Times:

We return to our normal (Pre-Covid) finishing times for all children.

Primary 1 Children: Parents have received details regarding their early finishing during their induction period. When this ends the P1 children will finish school each day at 2.00pm. (Please note the P1 children finish at 12.00noon until Friday 23rd Sept);

Primary 2 Children: Finish school at 2.00pm each day;

Primary 3 Children: Finish school at 3.00pm on Mon – Wed and at 2.00pm on Thursday & Friday;

Primary 4 – 7 Children: Finish school at 3.00pm each day;


Ready To Learn:

Just a reminder that Ready to Learn (P2) has now finished in St. Brigid’s.


After-School Supervision:

(P1, 2 & 3 pupils): Thanks to those parents who indicated that they required after-school supervision from 2.00pm – 3.00pm. We have been in touch to confirm these times. Please note that the after-school supervision is primarily for those younger children who have brothers and sisters in P3-7. Parents who do not have children in these year groups can request a place but this is not guaranteed. Payment for each session must be paid in advance via Parentpay. In order to make things easier for parents and staff we would advise parents to deposit the cost of a series of sessions in advance to ensure that their account is always in credit and avoid having to repeatedly revisit the site each time they make a booking.   



While we are all delighted to see the overall reduction in Covid cases we are still very much aware that Covid is still with us. Please note the following:

·        Children should not attend school if they display Covid symptoms;

·        If a child has Covid they must isolate for 3 full days (adults isolate for 5). 3 Full Days means 3 days from the 1stdisplay of symptoms or, in the case of no symptoms, 3 Full Days isolation starts from the day after a positive test;

·        Family members of a positive Covid case may still attend school.


School Uniform Swap:

Our uniform swap proved very popular. We still have a number of items available for parents. We will have them available for collection today (Wed 31st Aug) and on Thursday and Friday if any one wishes to have a look. We hope this may provide an opportunity for parents to secure an extra item to supplement the new uniform that they have already sourced.



Looking forward to seeing all of the boys and girls returning on Thursday,


Mr. J. Brady



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